It seems to be wakeup day for the neighborhood. The EMC crews are bobbing in and out of the parts warehouse. A bunch of log and container trucks are rolling up and down the highway. And I’ve seen enough golf carts roll by the house to cover a golf course. As for me, well I’m just licking my wounds from a rough and exhausting day. Not planning on doing much more than what I’m doing.
But a little innocent flirtation did brighten my mood this morning. It’s seems that after so much drama and physical exhaustion, the back and forth banter with a secret love does the heart good. Now I won’t expect many of my close friends or family to understand. Living under the dogma of an oppressive doctrine does that to you. Fortunately I live by my own rebellious rules. Which allows me the freedom to be honest with myself and the choices I have made. So while life’s never perfect, at least I allow myself enough wiggle room to find a few a pockets of joy.