This is especially true in the corporate world, where image and desirability are the number one goal. With personal brands though one can show a little chink in the armor. If for no other reason then to be more relatable. Fallibility, is a word I thrive under. My cynical side, which is deeply entrenched in my abusive past and low self-esteem. Forces me at times to be too damn honest, something which my family often dreads. But to justify my honesty I will say it brings me peace.
For a very long time I swept my pain, my anger, and my fear under a rug. Hoping that by ignoring it, it would magically go away. But it didn’t go away, it only got worse. After decades of torment, it was mindfulness, compassionate listening, and writing; that finally taught me how to forgive myself and those who had hurt me. I use the silence of meditation to quiet my heart and focus my mind on the here and now. I learned that for me bearing my soul creates a calmness that is hard to describe. My writing may not have created a world of perfection. But it certainly gives me a sanctuary to rest my troubled soul.