As the earth moves across the sun, the shade I enjoyed an hour ago now sits behind me. Pulling my rocker back under the shade, I get a different view of my surroundings. Much like you would get if you allowed yourself to understand else’s point of view. But as with many, most all my life has been filled with absolutes. Dealing with most everything from my station in life, to my faith, and even the choices of who I can love. Everything is painted in either black or white, yes or no, right or wrong.
But I don’t know anymore, I just don’t see things in such a limited way anymore. Now it seems that if I walked around with such blinders on, I wouldn’t be able to take in the beauty and wonder that is around me. I’d simply be stuck on an established, predictable path with no allowances for change or growth. But I don’t know, maybe these are just the ramblings of a failed man with a gift for gab. A storyteller with no real story to tell. But however you want to look at it, life should be a kaleidoscope colors, of choices, and discoveries. Nature is always in motion. Rather it's in the growth and color of spring or the death and decay fall. Don’t let the grass settle under your feet live a life of uncharted discovery. Don’t let circumstance steal your joy.