My own life has been so dominated by panic disorder for the last 23 years. While I have made strides to overcome it, I still have moments when the primal fears still overtake my better judgement. The end results being poor life and business choices through the years. I don’t know about you, but the ongoing struggles of the last two years are enough to drive up the fear and stress levels of even the strongest person. So for the moment I’m looking outward at nature. Paying attention that in nature no matter what happens, life picks up and moves on.
Sitting here at my desktop waiting for my morning meds to settle in my stomach, I stare through the blinds outside. Not so much wishing for better days but learning despite the situation there’s still a reason to live. By putting away the anger, releasing the fear, and finding the simple things in life that make you smile. You can begin to release the pain, hurt, and fear. Our higher cognitive functions should tell us balance is the key. Living in fear and anger or denial and fairy tales doesn’t solve a thing. Finding the balance between righteous anger and compassion should be the goal for each and everyone of us. Thus creating the balance we all deserve.