The thing that makes it really sad is the fact that it’s beautiful outside. Partly cloudy with just a hint of chill in the morning air. But for the moment I’ll just have to be content laying under a blanket with a weighted heating pad and a cat on my belly. But obstacles are nothing new for humankind to face. Every since the discovery of fire and the development of tools, humans have learned to adapt and overcome. Still unexpected or chronic situations can blow away even the best of intentions.
But as disappointed as I am with my plan to have a brisk walk changed. I still got the opportunity to jot this little something down. It's so easy to whine and complain when life throws you an inconvenience. Believe me I know. But in the silence of my blessed life, I’ve learned that a change in plans doesn’t always mean disappointment. Often change can be hard. But with the right attitude change can led to a clearer perspective and ever more opportunity later down the road.