When it comes to the heart and soul, things should be looked at head on. Facing the pain and guilt is often very unpleasant. Being able to forgive others as well as yourself is no easy task. In religious circles forgiveness is often given by proxy. But even then, I’ve discovered that is often not enough. That despite whatever cleansing you receive, the stain’s still there.
In its most imperfect way, life presents us with challenges to our character and even our soul. Circumstances that present themselves as opportunities often become roadblocks to our growth. Living in the moment is the focus of being where we are. Still the past and the future have a way of influencing the here and now. Facing ourselves and the pain we’ve lived is one way to create better moments. Even though last night was uncomfortable, it still grants me insights into creating a better today. Don’t let hidden garbage stink up your life. Face yourself and be willing to forgive.