I pull myself free from the daily distractions by focusing inwardly, even with all this noise. Because eventually all things go quiet when given time. Outwardly I’m the same man the world has always dealt with for decades. But inwardly given time, I’ve found peace in the beauty that is both the natural world and the manmade. I struggle to explain myself, to get people to understand that life isn’t just about possessing. That if given the chance life will create everything you’ll ever need.
I took a leap of faith some 30 years ago, when I moved my family from Savannah and what we called home. To this place where the familiar was unfamiliar and still is to this very day. I’m often treated like a stranger in a strange land, and it can be lonely when you lose the familiarity of home. Here everything I touch isn’t really my own, but I’ve learned to adapt to the nonattachment this life brings.
Like I said it isn’t easy to explain. But through decades of sincere study, I’ve learn that detachment actually draws you closer to the truth. So I often sit here under someone else’s sycamore tree. Breathing in and breathing out. Asking myself, am I okay? Giving compassion to the person that I am inside. Hoping that the decisions I make benefit not only myself, but the world as a whole. Knowing this is the peace I sought for myself.