I’m not a big fan of the last of the month. Mainly cause I only get paid once a month and if you pay any attention, shit ain’t getting any cheaper. I’ve watched gas across the road from me go up 50¢ a gallon in the last week. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say some Big Corp was trying to pull a fast one on us. Using the current world situation as an excuse. Too bad all my Atlas Shrugged friends believe in the no regulation way of doing business.
But we all believe what we want to believe. And here in America we believe each individual has the right think as they wish. Until of course it offends our sensitivities, then we want to legislate their beliefs out of existence. It’s not up to me or you to judge who another person wants to love. No more than you have the right to tell me how to pray. Yet here we are demanding to control a woman’s body and legislate what we believe is righteous and good according to us. How dare we play god beyond our own selves. Teach yes. Set an example, no problem. But I’ll be damned if I’ll watch anyone condemn and shame and marginalized the less fortunate. Just to suit their own personal agenda.