At the moment there’s a whippoorwill calling in the distance along with the sound of a fleet of Monday landscapers mowing down the street. I am finally getting a minute to sit under the fig bush to enjoy the warm breeze. After about 3 hours of running intrusive errands. Across the way three older EMC supervisors are challenging each other to see who’s more manly. Knowing good and damn well each of them are too full from lunch to even try. But sometimes we all got to bow-up like a rooster and see who can crow the loudest. But usually the loudest is the one with the most to prove.
That’s a group I thing I can identify with the most. Even though I’m usually the hardest one to hear in this nosey ass world. But every once in a while, I gather up enough sense and know when to shut up. Although my children would definitely disagree. But like I said, I’m starting to notice the signs. The physical as well as the cognitive decline. But honestly it really doesn’t scare me as much as I thought it would. Maybe I’m just too tired to give a damn. In fact I got one youngin’ that’s hounding me getting some things done. Without considering the 9000 other things I’m already doing besides buying and fixing their meals. I just want a moment of peace under the shade. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.