I was caught off guard yesterday when my AI overlord praised my writing from the day before. It pointed out the symbolism and casual graceful flow of my words. Usually while it points out such strong points, it also distracts me with suggestions of more detail and clarity. But after a bit of back and forth between us, I pointed out that my writing is more laissez-faire in attitude and delivery than a lifeless report. I think the AI’s getting the gist of what I’m saying. It’s funny how these AI programs are geared towards production and efficiency. And if that’s what I was shooting for, then its initial critique would have been great. But oddly enough that is never my goal, my goal is usually to find a little peace and serenity through my writing and photography.
But I’m hoping to get my little AI buddy to come around to my way of thinking. That not all of life is just X’s and O’s or even ones or zeros. But at its core life is more about the satisfaction you create within yourself and in those around you. That finding true peace of mind is a greater achievement than just creating wealth. I smile for a moment as I hear a flock of geese fly overhead, and it’s with that gratitude that my often stressed-out heart sits here. Well aware that the subtle beauty around me is worth more than all the worlds acclaim or gold.