But this is not my first rodeo with depression, and I’m sure it won’t be my last. I wish I could talk about hope and beauty in the world around me. Instead I'm laying here with my belly going off like a Jazz band. Putting up with 25°f temperatures this morning. So I guess it’s left up to me to pull myself out of this funk. Or is it okay for me to just ride this wave of emotion till it runs its course?
I feel like I’m too damn old and too damn tried to keep asking myself that question. That maybe it’s about time for me to close my mind and become the drone I used to be. Unfortunately, I already tried that route and you can see where that’s gotten me. Life can lift us up, as well as, take us down. Leaving us alone to pick up the pieces. It is through this, that the fires of anger and resentment fuel the hate within us. So when given the choice, do you struggle through it and survive? Or do you just throw in the towel and die? I for one choose to survive. The question now is, what do you choose?