I open my mind to endless possibilities as I place a finger to the keys. Never quite knowing how the story will end. Straining thoughts as they come. Extracting from them the inner most parts of my soul. Releasing the impurities that so distract me. But in many cultures, nothing is wasted, for they believe there is value in everything.
Sorting through dreams may seem Freudian at best, but for me it offers view into my subconscious. Like I said, tonight’s dream was wonderful and disturbing. Within its layers were moments of pure joy woven between layers of fear and frustration. But isn’t that how dreams work? A cornucopia unfiltered thoughts and ideas swimming around in our minds.
Creativity, art they live here between the folds of everyday life. Not only as therapy and thought for those that see it, but for the creator as well. I am often surprised by the thoughts that pour out of my head. I am equally surprised by the actions and comments I receive. Life is more than just stagnate water afoul with the mundane and predictable. It is joy, surprises, unpredictability. Don’t allow efficiency and time to steal the spontaneity that gives us life.