At the moment I feel sorry for the young people of this world. We feed their minds with idealistic hopes and aspirations, yet we pull the rug out from under them with our own greed and lust for power. We tell them they can do anything then give them a world full of our fuckups and selfishness. I know there is a certain wisdom that comes with age. But the outright selfishness and hypocrisy we display does nothing but feed them the idea that it’s all just bullshit.
Forgive my blatant disregard for decorum, but this subject has weighed heavily on my mind for a while. I am so tired of hearing the moral platitudes spilled by the so-called moral elitist of this world. isn’t it about time we actually “practiced what we preach?” Listen I have made my share of selfish mistakes, but Lord knows I’m trying to own up to them. Why do we so blatantly disregard the truth that stares us right in the face? Morality to a two-way street. To do one thing and say another is “preaching out of both sides of your mouth”. Be mindful of your intentions. Are they for the greater good or are they for your own selfish desires?
Listen, Respect, & Be Aware.