Anyway stepping outside today is a brisk 62° without a cloud in the sky (Sorry Rod). In the air I can tell someone’s off burning woods (burning off underbrush). The Granny’s and the government workers are heading to Wally World to burn off little paychecks. I really can’t say anything, cause my little monthly stipend caught fire a few days ago. Hopefully no extra expenses will pop this month, and I won’t have to live on hand-me-down soup for the last two weeks of the month like I did last month. Still I sow a few seeds to those with the patience and curiosity to listen. I also had an astrologer send me an email this week telling me my life was all mapped out in the stars. And for a small fee, they could chart the rest of my days. The funny thing about that is, I’m not sure I really want to know.
But at the moment the wind ain’t too bad and the sun is shining bright. And for a moment I’m not worried about tomorrow any more than I’m worried about today. After a rather restless night where panic gripped from out of the blue. So far today it has been nice, despite having to go grocery shopping and my digestive system is still on the purge. My nickname was “The Boy Scout” back during my construction days. That’s because I was always prepared for anything. But now I question if all that preparation ever did me any good. It seems all it ever did was make me jittery about life, and a total asshole around the ones that love me.